I'm back! :)

I know that none of you missed me while I'm gone, because, I'm not that memorable. Well, doesn't matter. All that matters now that I'm here again, hoping that I can share something more useful and helpful. Something that I've interested in, and you might too.

Okay, where do we start?

Nah, I want to explain why did I leave and what did I do for this past 6 months (more or less).

First of things,

I've been accepted on an ICT company, as a Data Scientist! YEAY!
Beberapa postingan gue di sini kan emang data related, and Statistics is my major degree. So I couldn't be happier more than anything.
Thanks to my thesis, I've got accepted and able to experience being a data scientist first hand. I can dig deeper in the hope of what insight could I get from it. And I'm having fun every day thanks to that. Sometimes, we only need a simple thing to makes us happy.

At the moment I received my salary, I panicked!
I haven't really worked with wages before so I have no idea how do I manage my own money.  Jadi kayak, I need to survive with this several money in one month until I get paid again but how? What should I do in order to survive day after day?
Habis itu, hal yang paling sering gue lakuin ialah browsing tentang money management. Kemudian, dari situ mulai kenal dengan namanya investasi, dan mulai tertarik dengan saham. I'll share this on it's own post because it's really long and needs deep understanding.

New job, new working environment, new bosses and friends. I need to rearrange my personal space. I need to focus on open myself up, no drama, not being my usual selfish self, learn more things from them, etc. Those need time, a lot. I'm originally not a sociable person, to begin with, but I don't hate to socialize nor dislike interacting with people. I just didn't get use to it yet.

Yeah, that's it. That was me trying to reason with my blog. I'm sorry I abandoned you for so long. Let's help each other again. No, that's not quite true. Please help me again to express myself and channeling my thoughts.
Hopefully, I get reader this time.

Best regards,


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